




经修订的1965年高等教育法和由美国教育部制定的最终条例(34CFR668).16) require that institutions of higher education establish reasonable st和ards of Satisfactory Academic Progress as a condition of continuing eligibility for federal aid programs. 经济援助接受者应取得合理的进步,作为接受和继续接受学生经济援助的条件. 学生的进步是根据定性和定量的措施来评估的. 定性衡量标准(平均绩点- gpa)与适用于所有徐学生的学术进步标准非常相似. 定量测量, referred to as the student’s “Pace” (number of credit hours successfully completed 和 the maximum timeframe) is used to monitor progress toward degree completion. 当这些措施被应用时, 联邦法规要求考虑学生的整个学术历史. 这包括学生没有获得学生经济援助的学期或学期. The University has developed this policy to provide a framework for monitoring 和 determining a student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress in accordance with Federal 和 Institutional requirements. 这项政策适用于所有新人, 转移, 返回, 重新入学并转学(以获得资助为目的), 以及e世博esball大学的在读学生.  进度标准每年在春季学期结束时进行一次审查, 适用于所有学生,无论学生是否接受第四章联邦援助.


All semes­ters will be factored in the SAP review process including all credits accepted 和 转移red to Xavier in order to make a satis­factory progress determination, 无论学生在某一学期是否获得资助. 未达到SAP要求的学生将在每学期结束时收到SAP状态通知.


学生应该在合理的时间框架内完成学位的要求. 攻读学位的本科生被允许尝试其学术课程公布长度的150%. 例如, a first time undergraduate student must complete the requirements within 192 attempted hours (or higher for academic programs in excess of 128 hours). 这包括e世博esball大学的尝试学时和从其他机构转来的学时,这些学时适用于学生的学位, 根据学校的转学政策.

本科 students must make incremental progress toward their degree based on the number of hours attempted; therefore, 在每个间隔时间内,必须完成最少百分比的XU小时. 学生 must also complete the degree requirements (based on their degree attempt or second degree attempt at the same level) 和 the associated maximum timeframe limit outlined in the SAP Policy. 为了达到这个标准,学生必须完成规定的尝试时数. 详见以下“满意学业进展(进度)表”.


标题四接受者使用的规模,最终在毕业要求,以保持令人满意的学术进步. 下面的图表用于确定是否为持续的经济援助资格保持定性标准.

请注意: 信的成绩 w和i用于计算尝试时数(Pace/定性时数).


全日制(每学期12学时以上)的学生将有6学年的时间来完成学位. 非全日制学生将按比例考虑,与全日制学生的要求相当. The number of hours in which a student is enrolled on the first day following the end of the add/drop period will be the official number of hours used to determine full-time or part-time status. 在此日期之后,全日制学生的学时不足12学时,仍将被视为全日制学生,有资格获得经济援助. Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid eligibility requires that the student’s ratio of completed (earned) semester credit hours versus the student’s enrolled (attempted) semester credit hours at end of drop/add period adhere to the following guidelines:


小时尝试 PACE(所需小时数百分比) 最低平均绩点
0 - 29    67% 1.7
30 - 60 67% 1.8
61岁及以上   67% 2.0


小时尝试 PACE(所需小时数百分比) 最低平均成绩要求
9小时及以上 75% 2.0


小时尝试 PACE(所需小时数百分比) 最低平均成绩要求
3-42小时及以上 75% 3.0



当然取款, remedial courses 和 incomplete courses are counted in the hours attempted towards the quantitative (PACE)measure of the satisfactory academic progress policy. 

当然取款 和 incompletes are not counted in the student’s grade point average 和 are not counted in the qualitative (GPA)measure of the satisfactory academic progress policy.

Transfer credits earned prior to the student’s enrollment at Xavier University will be used for quantitative (PACE) measure purposes to determine the minimum required earned hours.


转校生必须以至少2分的成绩注册e世博esball大学.平均绩点为0才有资格获得联邦财政援助. 转学生是指在转入e世博esball大学之前没有上过e世博esball大学的学生.  学生 admitted on academic probation for the first time may qualify for their eligible Federal Student 援助 on 金融援助 Warning for the term which they are admitted to Xavier if it can be documented that they will be able to meet the GPA requirements in one semester. 这些文件将由学生转学顾问提供. 如果学生在一个学期内不能见面, 然后,他/她必须向学生学业成功办公室提交上诉,以考虑其恢复资格. 

对于那些可能有资格获得经济援助警告期的学生, 在下一个付款期, 学生必须满足所有SAP资格要素,否则学生将失去获得经济援助的资格.  学生 who do not meet our Federal completion ratio requirement or have met the total attempted hours’ limitation must submit a SAP上诉表格 to have their eligibility considered for reinstatement.


学生 who fail to meet one or more of the qualitative or quantitative st和ards at the evaluation period 和 are subsequently approved through the Appeals process may continue to receive financial aid on a probationary basis. 在试用期的一个付款期结束时,” the student must meet the minimum SAP st和ards on their own in order to continue to receive financial aid or meet the requirements of his/her Academic Plan to qualify for further funds. 当一个学生处于“试用期”时,” the student may be required to fulfill specific terms 和 conditions under the “Academic Plan” developed through the Office of 学生学业成就, 比如减少课程负担, 参加特定的课程, attending counseling sessions recommended by the SAP Appeal Committee or meeting a specified GPA 和 earned/attempted hour ratio at the end of each term. 如果被安排在学术计划上的学生在每个学期结束时未能达到该计划的要求, the student will lose his/her eligibility for financial aid 和 will be required to submit a 金融援助 Appeal for reinstatement consideration for the next enrolled semester/term.


A、B、C、D或P级被认为是满意的. 所有其他等级,如W, I


学生 whose financial aid eligibility has been suspended based upon the provisions outlined in this policy have the right to submit an appeal to explain 和 document their mitigating circumstances. 减轻情节的定义是改变成绩或专业, 严重疾病或受伤, 家庭成员死亡, 或者类似的创伤性事件. 所有申诉必须附有证明文件(成绩或重大变更表格), 医生的声明(s), 死亡证明, 等),以重新获得资格. 如果没有提交足够的文件,上诉将被拒绝. 上诉不能以学生的陈述为依据 需要 为资金而不是 缺乏知识 获得经济援助的资格岌岌可危. Appeals must explain why the student failed to make satisfactory progress 和 what has changed in his/her situation that will allow the student to meet the requirements at the next evaluation. 上诉必须在通知不合格后六周内以书面形式提交. 提出上诉的学生必须使用已出版的 学业进展满意(SAP)申诉表格. Appeals are approved for current or subsequent semesters only; appeals cannot be for prior semesters. 学生每次攻读学位最多只能申请两(2)次经济援助. 有关上诉程序的直接问题应通过电子邮件发送至上诉委员会上诉委员会将开始审查已完成的上诉,前提是所有必要的文件已于7月1日提交st.  委员会的决定将通过电子邮件通知学生. 

不完整和/或缺乏所需核实的上诉表格,委员会将不予审核. 完成的 SAP上诉表格 和 支持文件应通过电子邮件发送至



学生可以通过自己的优点达到令人满意的学业进步(SAP)标准,重新获得联邦财政援助的资格.  学生必须达到可接受的平均绩点, 和/或进展,以重新符合满意的学业进展(SAP).


Q. 什么 令人满意的学业进展(SAP)?
A. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is the evaluation of students' academic history in order to determine eligibility for Federal Student 援助 (FSA) funds. 学生必须在符合条件的课程中取得令人满意的学业进步. The student's entire academic history is reviewed for this process regardless if the student received aid for the course work or credit hours attempted, 不管工作是转移到e世博esball大学还是转向专业, 或者不管这些课程是多久前在e世博esball大学或其他学校开设的.

Q. 为什么你需要评估学业进步满意度(SAP)?
A. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is to ensure students are able to complete their academic program in a timely manner while achieving a minimum academic st和ard. 在使用联邦学生援助基金(和其他联邦政府资助基金)的问责制日益加强的时代, 状态, 及机构基金), institutions 和 students must demonstrate that financial aid funds are being used to assist students in completing their academic goals in the most efficient way.

Q. 如果我不符合SAP,我还能申请学生贷款吗?
A. 当学生不符合SAP时,该学生不能获得任何类型的联邦学生援助, 包括联邦拨款, 联邦直接贷款, 或联邦勤工俭学. 学生可以, 然而, 透过自己选择的贷款机构申请私人贷款, 不需要SAP的. 私人贷款与联邦直接贷款的不同之处在于,贷款人会检查学生的信用记录,可能需要共同签名.